Don't Wast Your Money, I have had two of these now, JUNK, CRAP, DON'T WAST YOUR MONEY. Neather of these lasted more than six weeks. The DVD/CD motor will not shut off when you have the Piece of Crap Radio On. When that happens you can not use the touch screen or even change the channels.
Warrenty is Useless when you send the player in you receive a rebuilt piece of junk worse than the one you had. BUY KENWOOD, OR MITSUBISHI STAY AWAY FROM THE PHASE LINEAR UV10. Again, JUNK, CRAP, PAPER WEIGHT, 100 Yard Rifle Target.
Pleased Customer,
Excellent Value, I have owned the UV10 for over a month and have every option installed. It is the best value out there for a GPS/Stereo/Bluetooth unit. The GPS add on is just excellent. There is no problem listening and navigating at the same time. Furthermore, it has 2 USB ports. I ran an extention to the one on the back into my ashtray where I keep a memory stick permanently plugged in. You can play all your music and movies off a USB stick. Sweet! Sound qulaity is pretty good. Added a powered sub and suddenly feel 16 again. The only thing I do NOT like about it is the wallpapers and buttons are pretty plain. I think it is set up this way for night driving... but it is boring. Also, the buttons on the touch screen are too small. My big fat fingers have trouble scrolling through the MP# songs. With that said... I still say this unit is a steal. It lets you buy a nice head unit and add on with time. I am pleased with the quality and the sound. I also REALLY like the NAV102 and bluetooth. It has every bit the sound and quality of my wifes Pioneer for a lot less dough.

Front panel audo/video input.High speed direct connect interface for iPod via USB. Access playlists, artists, albums and songs. Power management charges iPod while connected..Rear camera input.Navigation & Bluetooth ready..Front USB supports most flash memeory devices (USB Sticks) and hard drives for audio/video playback.. Single DIN DVD/CD/MP3/CD/AM FM receiver with USB input for iPods and other flash devices via front USB input. Front 3.5 MM A/V input included. This flexible models is also Bluetooth and Navigation ready and can be connected to factory steering radio controls via an adapter.